Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Buttons for Asperger-autistic people

People with Asperger's syndrome have often got special requirements for their workplace.
They find it difficult to communicate with other people because it is hard for them to decode the signals sent out in interpersonal communications.
Many find security in a stringent daily routine, with rituals and habits which should always remain the same wherever possible.
Their enthusiasm for specific topics, which they might have encyclopaedic knowledge of in their heads, is not always met with understanding, let alone due recognition.

If these aspects of life cannot be expressed in the workplace, this can lead to shyness, feelings of inferiority, under-stimulation and depression.

In order to account for these requirements, the "button project" was established: Inspired by the "Stamps for Bethel" concept, used buttons are collected in order to create jobs for people with Asperger's.

This is a fantastic project set up by independent people who want to mould their work space exactly according to their own personal requirements.

You can get more information on this project here:

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