Samstag, 14. Mai 2011

Investing in burnout

The current issue of Focus features this cartoon: A man is sitting at a bar and the barkeeper asks: "Do you want to pay?". The man then says "I'm afraid that I can't.." and opens his wallet to show the angry barman a small black puff of smoke emerging – "Burnout..." he adds.
The cartoon shows us how relevant the topic of burnout is nowadays. Among mentally gifted and highly sensitive people, it generally develops through under-stimulation and/or over-stimulation.

But the cartoon also shows – probably unintentionally – the connection between burnout and money.
Having burnout is no excuse for being skint, but it can certainly be the trigger. Because burnout also inevitably brings a person to the question "What do I want in life?", and the answer often leads people to a new start professionally, which also brings with it financial limitations.
The situation is even more intense for self-employed people because burnout always results in an immediate massive drop in earnings for them, adding fear for their own existence into the equation, which only serves to intensify the burnout symptoms. A vicious circle.

So for many, burnout is a careful balancing act between recovery, changes and financial survival. In which areas can I push myself? How can I deal with the intensive stimuli better? And how can I integrate these measures into my professional, private and financial life?
The key is to find the happy medium, which reopens the path to your inner home and at the same time provides enough scope to change old structures. An investment for life!

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